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Traditional Karate

Link To The Official CKC Grading Syllabus;

Wado Ryu Karate

We are a traditional Wado Ryu club. Our club's grading syllabus sticks strictly to that that was provided to us by the late Shihan Ritchie Noblett (8th Dan) RIP. 

Students will progress their training in traditional technique (kyu), combinations (renraku waza), forms (kata), blocks (jodan, geri, ohyo & kihon), applied technique (kissaki-kai) and fighting skills (kumite). Each of these areas are tested more thoroughly as a student progresses through the ranks of the belts. 


10th kyu white

9th kyu red

8th kyu yellow

7th kyu orange

6th kyu green

5th kyu blue

4th kyu purple

3rd kyu brown (white stripe)

2nd kyu brown

1st kyu brown (black stripe)


1st Dan Black Belt

...2nd Dan, 3rd Dan, 4th Dan... etc

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